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Get the path and Git revision for an artifact tracked in the model registry.

def artifacts_show(
    name: str,
    version: Optional[str] = None,
    stage: Optional[str] = None,
    repo: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Dict[str, str]:

If you have a DVC Studio project configured with your remote storage credentials, you may also use the DVC Studio REST API to programmatically access artifacts. It does not require the client to have any credentials other than the DVC Studio client access token and does not require DVC to be installed.


import dvc.api

artifact = dvc.api.artifacts_show(


Returns a path and Git revision for a named artifact which can then be used in other Python API calls.

The returned dictionary will be of the form:

    'path': 'model.pkl',
    'rev': 'c7c6ae0',

where path contains the relative path to the artifact in the DVC repository, and rev contains the Git revision for the specified artifact version or stage.

When neither version nor stage are provided, the Git revision for the latest version of the model will be returned.


  • name (required) - name of the artifact. By default DVC will search for artifacts declared in a dvc.yaml file located at the root of the DVC repository. Artifacts declared in other dvc.yaml files should be addressed in the form path/to/dvc.yaml:artifact_name or path/to:artifact_name (where dvc.yaml is omitted).

  • version - version of the artifact (mutually exclusive with stage).

  • stage - stage of the artifact (mutually exclusive with version).

  • repo - the location of the DVC project. It can be a URL or a file system path. Both HTTP and SSH protocols are supported for online Git repos (e.g. [user@]server:project.git). Default: The current project (found by walking up from the current working directory tree).

Example: Read the contents of an artifact

import pickle
import dvc.api

artifact = dvc.api.artifacts_show(
data = dvc.api.read(
model = pickle.loads(data)

This example uses the returned path and Git revision in conjunction with dvc.api.read() to read the file content for the artifact.

Example: Download an artifact

import os
import dvc.api

artifact = dvc.api.artifacts_show(
fs = dvc.api.DVCFileSystem(
fs.get_file(artifact['path'], os.path.basename(artifact['path']))

This example uses the returned path and Git revision in conjunction with dvc.api.DVCFileSystem to download the artifact to the current working directory.


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