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exp diff

Show changes in metrics and parameters between experiments.


usage: dvc exp diff [-h] [-q | -v] [--all] [--param-deps]
                    [--json] [--md]
                    [--no-path] [--precision <n>]
                    [a_rev] [b_rev]
positional arguments:
  a_rev            Old experiment to compare (defaults to HEAD)
  b_rev            New experiment to compare (defaults to the current


Provides a quick way to compare dvc params and dvc metrics between two experiments by printing a table of differences. By default, it includes the params/metrics file "Path", "Param" or "Metric" name, the new "Value", and the difference ("Change") for numeric values. Example:

$ dvc exp diff
Path         Metric   HEAD      workspace  Change
scores.json  roc_auc  0.915363  0.93345    0.018087
scores.json  grade    B         B-         —

Path         Param         HEAD  workspace  Change
params.yaml  max_features  1500  3000       1500

This is similar to combining the reports from dvc params diff and dvc metrics diff together, for the experiments in question.

Without arguments, this command compares all the params and metrics referenced in dvc.yaml files present in the workspace with the latest committed versions (required). Only params/metrics that changed are listed, by default (show everything with --all).

a_rev and b_rev are optional experiments to compare. They accept experiment names or hashes (see dvc exp run for details). Providing a single one results in comparing it to the workspace.

Another way to display experiments is the dvc exp show command, which lists all the current experiments (without comparisons).


  • --all - list all parameters and metrics, including those without changes.

  • --param-deps - include only parameters that are stage dependencies.

  • --json - prints the command's output in easily parsable JSON format, instead of a human-readable table.

  • --md - prints the command's output in the Markdown table format (GFM).

  • --no-path - hide the "Path" column that lists the param/metrics file location. Useful when only one metrics or params file exists, for example

  • --precision <n> - round decimal values to n digits of precision (5 by default). Applies to metrics only.

  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.

  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if no problems arise, otherwise 1.

  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.


This example is based on our Get Started, where you can find the actual source code.

Let's say we have run 3 experiments in our project:

$ dvc exp show
  neutral:**Experiment**               neutral:**Created**           metric: **auc**   param:**featurize.max_features**   param:**featurize.ngrams**
  workspace                -              0.61314   1500                     2
  10-bigrams-experiment    Jun 20, 2020   0.61314   1500                     2
  ├── major-mela           Oct 21, 2020   0.61314   1500                     2
  ├── gluey-leak           Oct 09, 2020   0.57756   2000                     2
  └── ochre-dook           Oct 09, 2020   0.51676   500                      2

Since we haven't made any changes to the workspace, we can compare gluey-leak to its baseline (10-bigrams-experiment, current HEAD) like this:

$ dvc exp diff gluey-leak
Path         Metric  HEAD     gluey-leak  Change
scores.json  auc     0.61314  0.577565    -0.035575

Path         Param                   HEAD  gluey-leak  Change
params.yaml  featurize.max_features  2000  1500        -500

To compare two specific experiments (values are shown for the second one by default):

$ dvc exp diff gluey-leak ochre-dook
Path         Metric  gluey-leak  ochre-dook   Change
scores.json  auc     0.577559    0.51676     -0.060799

Path         Param                   gluey-leak  ochre-dook  Change
params.yaml  featurize.max_features  2000        500        -1500

To compare an experiment to the 7-ml-pipeline tag (or any other revision):

$ dvc exp diff gluey-leak 7-ml-pipeline
Path         Metric  gluey-leak  7-ml-pipeline  Change
scores.json  auc     0.577559    None           diff not supported

Path         Param                   gluey-leak  7-ml-pipeline  Change
params.yaml  featurize.max_features  2000        500            -1500
params.yaml  featurize.ngrams        2           1              -1

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