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DVC Configuration

Once initialized in a project, DVC populates its installation directory with internal files, which include .dvc/config, the default configuration file.

Config files can be composed manually (or programmatically), or managed with the helper command dvc config.

Config file locations

.dvc/config is meant to be tracked by Git and should not contain sensitive user info or secrets (passwords, SHH keys, etc).

DVC supports saving configuration outside of the repository, either in a Git-ignored file alongside the regular config file or in other places in your file system. These locations and their loading priority are detailed below:

PriorityTypemacOS locationLinux location (typical*)Windows location
2Project (default).dvc/configSameSame
3Global$HOME/Library/Application\ Support/dvc/config$HOME/.config/dvc/config%LocalAppData%\iterative\dvc\config
4System/Library/Application\ Support/dvc/config/etc/xdg/dvc/config%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\iterative\dvc\config

* For Linux, the global file may be found in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, and the system file in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS[0], if those env vars are defined.

See also dvc config flags --local, --global, and --system.

Configuration sections

The following config sections are written by this command to the appropriate config file (.dvc/config by default), supporting different config options within:

  • core.remote - name of the default remote storage

  • core.interactive - whether to always ask for confirmation before reproducing each stage in dvc repro. (Normally, this behavior requires using the -i option of that command.) Accepts values: true and false.

  • core.analytics - used to turn off anonymized usage statistics. Accepts values true (default) and false.

  • core.checksum_jobs - number of threads for computing file hashes. Accepts positive integers. The default value is max(1, min(4, cpu_count() // 2)).

  • core.hardlink_lock - use hardlink file locks instead of the default ones, based on flock (i.e. project lock file .dvc/lock). Accepts values true and false (default). Useful when the DVC project is on a file system that doesn't properly support file locking (e.g. NFS v3 and older).

  • core.no_scm - tells DVC to not expect or integrate with Git (even if the project is initialized inside a Git repo). Accepts values true and false (default). Set with the --no-scm option of dvc init (more details).

  • core.check_update - disable/enable DVC's automatic update checks, which notify the user when a new version is available. Accepts values true (default) and false.

  • core.autostage - if enabled, DVC will automatically stage (git add) DVC files created or modified by DVC commands. The files will not be committed. Accepts values true and false (default).

  • core.site_cache_dir - specify a custom location for misc temporary files. Read more here.

Unlike most other sections, configuration files may have more than one 'remote'. All of them require a unique "name" and a url value. They can also specify jobs, verify, and many platform-specific key/value pairs like port and password.

See Remote Storage Configuration for more details.

For example, the following config file defines a temp remote in the local file system (located in /tmp/dvcstore), and marked as default (via core section):

['remote "temp"']
    url = /tmp/dvcstore
    remote = temp
  • cache.dir - set/unset cache directory location. A correct value is either an absolute path, or a path relative to the config file location. The default value is cache, that resolves to .dvc/cache (relative to the project config file location).

    See also the helper command dvc cache dir to intuitively set this config option, properly transforming paths relative to the current working directory into paths relative to the config file location.

  • cache.type - link type that DVC should use to link data files from cache to the workspace. Possible values: reflink, symlink, hardlink, copy or an ordered combination of those, separated by commas e.g: reflink,hardlink,copy. Default: reflink,copy

    There are pros and cons to different link types. Refer to File link types for a full explanation of each one.

    If you set cache.type to hardlink or symlink, manually modifying tracked data files in the workspace would corrupt the cache. To prevent this, DVC automatically protects those kinds of links (making them read-only). Use dvc unprotect to be able to modify them safely.

    To apply changes to this config option in the workspace, restore all file links/copies from cache with dvc checkout --relink.

  • cache.slow_link_warning - used to turn off the warnings about having a slow cache link type. These warnings are thrown by dvc pull and dvc checkout when linking files takes longer than usual, to remind them that there are faster cache link types available than the defaults (reflink,copy โ€“ see cache.type). Accepts values true and false.

    These warnings are automatically turned off when cache.type is manually set.

  • cache.shared - permissions for newly created or downloaded cache files and directories. The only accepted value right now is group, which makes DVC use 444 (rโ€”rโ€”rโ€”) for files and 775 (rwxrwxr-x) for directories. This is useful when sharing a cache among projects. The default permissions for cache files is system dependent. In Linux and macOS for example, they're determined using os.umask.

Similar to remote, configuration files may have more than one 'db'. All of them require a unique "name" and a url value which is a connection string to connect to the database. They can also specify username and password options, which is used to combine with provided url, which is what is passed to the appropriate database drivers to connect to the database.

Set password to a Git-ignored local config file (.dvc/config.local) so that no secrets are leaked through Git.

As an example, the following config file defines a pgsql database connection to connect to the dbname database as a user user hosted at host url. The postgresql:// defines a driver to be used to connect to that database.

['db "pgsql"']
  url = "postgresql://user@host/dbname

The name, pgsql for example, can be used to specify what database to connect to, in commands like import-db.

Sets the defaults for experiment configuration.

Sets the defaults for experiment configuration via Hydra Composition.

  • hydra.enabled - enables Hydra config composition.
  • hydra.config_dir - location of the directory containing Hydra config groups. Defaults to conf.
  • hydra.config_name - the name of the file containing the Hydra defaults list (located inside hydra.config_dir). Defaults to config.yaml.
  • hydra.plugins_path - location of the parent directory of hydra_plugins, where Hydra will automatically discover plugins. Defaults to the root of the DVC repository.
  • parsing.bool - Controls the templating syntax for boolean values when used in dictionary unpacking.

    Valid values are "store_true" (default) and "boolean_optional", named after Python argparse actions.

    Given the following params.yaml:

      bool-true: true
      bool-false: false

    And corresponding dvc.yaml:

        cmd: python foo.py ${dict}

    When using store_true, cmd will be:

    python foo.py --bool-true

    Whereas when using boolean_optional, cmd will be:

    python foo.py --bool-true --no-bool-false
  • parsing.list - Controls the templating syntax for list values when used in dictionary unpacking.

    Valid values are "nargs" (default) and "append", named after Python argparse actions.

    Given the following params.yaml:

      list: [1, 2, 'foo']

    And corresponding dvc.yaml:

        cmd: python foo.py ${dict}

    When using nargs, cmd will be:

    python foo.py --list 1 2 'foo'

    Whereas when using append, cmd will be:

    python foo.py --list 1 --list 2 --list 'foo'

This section is obsolete since DVC 2.48.0. Modifying these config options will have no effect.

  • state.row_limit - maximum number of entries in state databases. This affects the physical size of the state files, as well as the performance of certain DVC operations. The default is 10,000,000 rows. The bigger the limit, the longer the file hash history that DVC can keep, for example.

  • state.row_cleanup_quota - percentage of the state database to be deleted when it reaches the state.row_limit. The default quota is 50%. DVC removes the oldest entries (created when dvc status is used, for example).

  • state.dir - specify a custom location for the state databases (links/ and md5/ directories), by default in .dvc/tmp. This may be necessary when using DVC on NFS or other mounted volumes where SQLite encounters file permission errors.

  • studio.token - DVC Studio access token to use. When this is set, DVC uses this to share live experiments and notify Studio about pushed experiments. For security reasons, we advise setting token to either a local or a global config. This can also be specified through DVC_STUDIO_TOKEN environment variable, which will override any value in studio.token.

    Get the token or check this guide on how to create an access token.

  • studio.offline - Disables sharing live experiments even if studio.token is set or the token has been specified in DVC_STUDIO_TOKEN. Offline mode can also be specified through DVC_STUDIO_OFFLINE environment variable, which will override any value in studio.offline. Accepts values true and false.

  • studio.url - URL of Studio to use (in case of self-hosted DVC Studio instance). This can also be specified through DVC_STUDIO_URL environment variable, which will override any value in studio.url. If not set, https://studio.iterative.ai is used.

This section is obsolete since DVC 2.48.0. Modifying these config options will have no effect.

  • index.dir - specify a custom location for the directory where remote index files will be stored, by default in .dvc/tmp/index. This may be necessary when using DVC on NFS or other mounted volumes.

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