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Display the DVC version along with environment and project information.


usage: dvc version [-h] [-q | -v]


dvc version outputs the following information about the system/environment:

DVC versionVersion of DVC, and name of the binary or package manager (pip, conda, etc.) used to install DVC (along with a Git commit hash in case of a development version)
PlatformVersion of Python in the environment where DVC is initialized, and information about the operating system
SupportsTypes of remote storage supported by the current DVC setup (their required dependencies are installed)
Cache typesTypes of links supported (between workspace and cache)
Cache directoryFilesystem type (e.g. ext4, FAT, etc.) and drive on which the cache directory is mounted
RemotesRemote location types configured in the repo (e.g. SSH, S3, Google Drive, etc.)
Workspace directoryFilesystem type (e.g. ext4, FAT, etc.) and drive on which the workspace is mounted
RepoShows whether we are in a DVC repo and/or Git repo

No info about Cache or Workspace directory is printed if dvc version is used outside a DVC project.

Note that if you've installed DVC using pip, you will need to install psutil manually with pip install psutil in order for dvc version to report file system information. See the original issue on GitHub for more info.

Components of DVC version

The detail of DVC version depends upon the way of installing DVC.

  • Official release: a stable version of DVC (for example 1.10.0), that can be installed using the official package stored in Python Packaging Authority or with a binary. These releases are tagged in the DVC repository (see changelog for release history).

    If there are any issues reported with the official build, they can be traced using the official version number.

  • Development version: contains all the changes done to the master branch of DVC's repository, following the latest official release. It can be installed after cloning DVC's repo. Running this setup may result in usage issues, as it contains changes that might not be ready to release yet.

    Any errors reported with the development version can be traced using the Git commit hash displayed in the output of dvc version, for example: 1.10.0+292cab.mod. The part before + is the official version number, and the following part is the commit hash of the tip of the master branch. The optional suffix .mod means that code is modified.

  • Binary or Package manager: shows how DVC was downloaded and installed.

    DVC can be installed from one of the binary releases:

    • Debian package (.deb) - file used to install packages in several Linux distributions, like Ubuntu
    • Red Hat package (.rpm) - file used to install packages in some Linux based distributions, such as Fedora, CentOS, etc.
    • PKG file (.pkg) - file used to install apps on macOS
    • Windows executable (.exe) - file used to install applications on Windows

    These downloads are available from our home page. They ultimately contain a binary bundle, which is the executable file of a software application, meaning that it will run natively on a specific platform (Linux, Windows, macOS).

    We use PyInstaller to bundle our source code into the binary package app.

    DVC can also be downloaded and installed using a package manager:

    This method of installation involves downloading DVC source code, and following certain setup instructions (see the development guide) to build the application before being able to it.


  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.

  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if no problems arise, otherwise 1.

  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.


Getting the DVC version and environment information:

Inside a DVC project:

$ dvc version

DVC version: 1.10.0 (pip)
Platform: Python 3.8.3 on Linux-5.4.0-47-generic-x86_64-with-debian-buster-sid
Supports: gs, hdfs, http, https, s3
Cache types: hardlink, symlink
Cache directory: ext4 on /dev/sda1
Caches: local
Remotes: https, s3, ssh
Workspace directory: ext4 on /dev/sda1
Repo: dvc, git

Outside a DVC project:

$ dvc version

DVC version: 1.10.0 (pip)
Platform: Python 3.8.3 on Linux-5.4.0-47-generic-x86_64-with-debian-buster-sid
Supports: All remotes

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