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SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol that uses encryption to secure a connection with a remote computer, which lets you safely transfer files to and from it (like scp), among other features. Other operations can be used on top of SSH, like FTP (simple file transfer protocol) which becomes secure or SFTP.

DVC will act as an SSH/SFTP client, which means that the remote storage should be located in an SSH server. Use dvc remote add to define the remote by setting a name and valid SSH URL (which may include some auth info. like user name or port):

$ dvc remote add -d myremote ssh://user@example.com:2222/path

DVC requires both SSH and SFTP access to work with SSH remote storage. Check that you can connect both ways with tools like ssh and sftp (GNU/Linux).
Note that your server's SFTP root might differ from its physical root (/).

By default, authentication credentials (user name, password or private key, etc.) not found in the URL are loaded from SSH configuration. You can also set them directly with DVC.

Custom authentication

2 parameters that are commonly included in an SSH URL are user name and sometimes port. These can be set (or overridden) as follows:

$ dvc remote modify myremote user myuser
$ dvc remote modify myremote port 2222

Order in which DVC picks these values when defined in multiple places:

  1. Value set in these user/port params (DVC-specific config)
  2. User/port embedded in the url, if any (e.g. ssh://user@example.com:2222)
  3. User/Port defined for the host in SSH config
  4. Default values: Current system user; Standard SSH port 22

The dvc remote modify --local flag is needed to write sensitive user info to a Git-ignored config file (.dvc/config.local) so that no secrets are leaked through Git. See Configuration.

Using a private key is usually the recommended way to authenticate an SSH connection, and it should be saved in a key file. You can set its path as shown below. Often these require a passphrase to use as well: You can set up DVC to ask for it each time, or set it directly.

$ dvc remote modify --local myremote keyfile /path/to/keyfile
# and (if needed)
$ dvc remote modify myremote ask_passphrase true
# or
$ dvc remote modify --local myremote passphrase mypassphrase

Another popular way to authenticate an SSH connection is with a simple password. It can be set directly or you can set up DVC to ask for it when needed:

$ dvc remote modify --local myremote password mypassword
# or
$ dvc remote modify myremote ask_password true

More configuration parameters

  • url - modify the remote location (scroll up for details)

  • allow_agent - whether to use SSH agents (true by default). Setting this to false is useful when ssh-agent is causing problems, e.g. "No existing session" errors.

  • gss_auth - use Generic Security Service auth if available on host (for example, with Kerberos). false by default

    Using GSS requires paramiko[gssapi], which is only supported currently by the DVC pip package (installed with pip install 'dvc[ssh_gssapi]').

  • max_sessions - change the maximum number of SSH and SFTP sessions used when connecting to the SSH server. Minimum of 3, 10 by default. Should not exceed the server-side maximum number of sessions.

    DVC will attempt to use as many SFTP sessions as possible (up to max_sessions) from the SSH server in order to parallelize remote transfer operations. The widely used OpenSSH server (sshd) defaults to a value of 10 for MaxSessions. This means that by default, DVC will attempt to use all available sessions from the server. In some cases, it may be useful to specify a lower max_sessions value in order to ensure that some number of sessions are kept available for other (non-DVC) SSH or SFTP connections.

    When encountering "Can't create any SFTP connection" errors, it means that DVC could not open any sessions from the SSH server. In this situation, we recommend setting max_sessions to some value less than the server-side maximum number of sessions.


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