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data status

Show changes to the files and directories tracked by DVC in the workspace.

For the status of data pipelines, see dvc status.



The data status command displays the state of the workspace and the changes with respect to the last Git commit (HEAD). It shows you what new changes have been committed to DVC, which haven't been committed, which files aren't being tracked by DVC and Git, and what files are missing from the cache.

data status can be used as a companion to git status. When used together, this pair of commands shows the status of all paths in a repository.

The dvc data status command only outputs information, it won't modify or change anything in your workspace. It's a good practice to check the state of your repository before doing dvc commit or git commit so that you don't accidentally commit something you don't mean to.

An example output might look something like follows:

$ dvc data status
Not in cache:
  (use "dvc fetch <file>..." to download files)

DVC committed changes:
  (git commit the corresponding dvc files to update the repo)
        modified: data/features/

DVC uncommitted changes:
  (use "dvc commit <file>..." to track changes)
  (use "dvc checkout <file>..." to discard changes)
        deleted: model.pkl
(there are other changes not tracked by dvc, use "git status" to see)

dvc data status displays changes in multiple categories:

  • Not in cache indicates that there are file hashes in .dvc or dvc.lock files, but the corresponding cache files are missing. This may happen after cloning a DVC repository but before using dvc pull (or dvc fetch) to download the data; or after using dvc gc.

  • Not in remote indicates that there are file hashes in .dvc or dvc.lock files, but the corresponding remote files are missing. This may happen after adding new files into dvc but before using dvc push to upload the data; or after using dvc gc -c.

  • DVC committed changes are new, modified, or deleted tracked files or directories that have been committed to DVC. These may be ready for committing to Git.

  • DVC uncommitted changes are new, modified, or deleted tracked files or directories that have not been committed to DVC yet. You can dvc add or dvc commit these.

  • Untracked files have not been added to DVC (nor Git). Only shown if the --untracked-files flag is used.

  • Unchanged files have no modifications. Only shown if the --unchanged flag is used.

Individual changes to files inside tracked directories are not shown by default but this can be enabled with the --granular flag.


  • --granular - show granular file-level changes inside DVC-tracked directories. Note that some granular changes may be reported as unknown as DVC tracks directory-level hash values.

  • --untracked-files - show files that are not being tracked by DVC and Git.

  • --unchanged - show unchanged DVC-tracked files.

  • --not-in-remote - show files that are missing from the remote.

  • --no-remote-refresh - use cached remote index (don't check remote). Only has an effect along with --not-in-remote.

  • --json - prints the command's output in easily parsable JSON format, instead of a human-readable output.

  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.

  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output.

  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.


$ dvc data status
Not in cache:
  (use "dvc fetch <file>..." to download files)

DVC committed changes:
  (git commit the corresponding dvc files to update the repo)
        modified: data/features/

DVC uncommitted changes:
  (use "dvc commit <file>..." to track changes)
  (use "dvc checkout <file>..." to discard changes)
        deleted: model.pkl
(there are other changes not tracked by dvc, use "git status" to see)

This shows that the data/data.xml is missing from the cache, data/features/ a directory, has changes that are being tracked by DVC but is not Git committed yet, and a file model.pkl has been deleted from the workspace. The data/features/ directory is modified, but there is no further details to what changed inside. The --granular option can provide more information on that.

Example: Full repository status (including Git)

$ dvc data status
Not in cache:
  (use "dvc fetch <file>..." to download files)

DVC committed changes:
  (git commit the corresponding dvc files to update the repo)
        modified: data/features/

DVC uncommitted changes:
  (use "dvc commit <file>..." to track changes)
  (use "dvc checkout <file>..." to discard changes)
        deleted: model.pkl
(there are other changes not tracked by dvc, use "git status" to see)

$ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
        modified:   dvc.lock

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

dvc data status and git status combined show you the full status of a repository. dvc data status shows you changes to DVC data, and git status shows changes to the corresponding dvc.lock or .dvc files (as well as unrelated changes to your Git repository).

Example: Granular output

Following on from the above example, using --granular will show file-level information for the changes:

$ dvc data status --granular
Not in cache:
  (use "dvc fetch <file>..." to download files)

DVC committed changes:
  (git commit the corresponding dvc files to update the repo)
        added: data/features/foo

DVC uncommitted changes:
  (use "dvc commit <file>..." to track changes)
  (use "dvc checkout <file>..." to discard changes)
        deleted: model.pkl
(there are other changes not tracked by dvc, use "git status" to see)

Now there's more information in DVC committed changes regarding the changes in data/features. From the output, it shows that there is a new file added to data/features: data/features/foo.

Example: Remote status

$ dvc data status --not-in-remote
Not in cache:
  (use "dvc fetch <file>..." to download files)

Not in remote:
  (use "dvc push <file>..." to upload files)

DVC committed changes:
  (git commit the corresponding dvc files to update the repo)
        modified: data/features/

DVC uncommitted changes:
  (use "dvc commit <file>..." to track changes)
  (use "dvc checkout <file>..." to discard changes)
        deleted: model.pkl
(there are other changes not tracked by dvc, use "git status" to see)

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