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exp pull

Download experiments from a Git remote, and their data from remote storage.


usage: dvc exp pull [-h] [-q | -v] [-A] [--rev <commit>] [-n <num>] [-f]
                    [--no-cache] [-r <name>] [-j <number>]
                    [--run-cache | --no-run-cache]
                    git_remote [experiment ...]

positional arguments:
  git_remote          Git remote name or Git URL
  experiment          Experiment to pull


The dvc exp push and dvc exp pull commands are the means for sharing experiments across repository copies via Git and remote storage.

Plain git push and git fetch don't work with experiments because these are saved under custom Git references. See How does DVC track experiments? in DVC Experiments Overview to learn more about DVC experiment storage.

A working git_remote name (e.g. origin) or Git URL is required. Experiments derived from the HEAD commit are pulled by default (see the options below).

The first action of dvc exp pull is to download the experiments from the Git remote so they are available in the local repository (equivalent to git fetch <git_remote> refs/exps/<experiment>). Use dvc exp show to explore your local experiments.

By default, this command will also try to dvc pull all cached data associated with the experiments to remote storage, unless --no-cache is used.


  • -A, --all-commits - pull all experiments in the repository (overrides --rev and --num).

  • --rev <commit> - pull experiments derived from the specified <commit> as baseline (HEAD by default).

  • -n <num>, --num <num> - pull experiments from the last num commits (first parents) starting from the --rev baseline. Give a negative value to include all first-parent commits (similar to git log -n).

  • -f, --force - rewrite the experiment if it already exists in the local repo.

  • --no-cache - do not pull cached files files associated with this experiment from DVC remote storage.

  • -r <name>, --remote <name> - name of the dvc remote to pull cached files from.

  • --run-cache, --no-run-cache - downloads all available history of stage runs from the dvc remote (to the cache only, like dvc fetch --run-cache). Note that dvc exp run <stage_name> is necessary to checkout these files.

  • -j <number>, --jobs <number> - parallelism level for DVC to upload data to remote storage. The default value is 4 * cpu_count(). Note that the default value can be set using the jobs config option with dvc remote modify. Using more jobs may improve the overall transfer speed.

  • -h, --help - shows the help message and exit.

  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output. Exit with 0 if no problems arise, otherwise 1.

  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information from executing the dvc pull command.


This example is based on our Get Started, where you can find the actual source code.

Let's say we have cloned a DVC repository, and would like to fetch an experiment that someone else shared (see also dvc exp list).

$ dvc exp list --all-commits origin
$ dvc exp pull origin
Pulled experiment 'lurid-lair' from Git remote 'origin'.

We can now see that the experiment exists in the local repo:

$ dvc exp list --all-commits
    5cdc6a9 [lurid-air]

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