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queue start

Start running all queued experiments, possibly in parallel.


usage: dvc queue start [-h] [-q | -v] [-j <number>]


Starts one or more workers (--jobs) to process experiments. Each worker will consume and execute one queued experiment tasks at a time in the background, until either dvc queue stop is used or the queue is empty.

Due to internal limitations, when the queue is empty a worker may be idle for up to 10 seconds before exiting. If new experiment tasks are added to the queue during this time, workers will resume processing them instead.

Use dvc queue kill to stop specific experiments that are currently running.

dvc queue logs lets you to see the console output from any experiments run in the background with this command (for example for debugging).


  • -j <number>, --jobs <number> - run this number of queued experiments in parallel. Defaults to 1 (the task queue is processed serially).

    Note that if any queue worker processes have already been started, this command will not start additional processes unless number is greater than the number of existing workers (number is treated as the maximum allowed concurrency value).

    If number is less than the number of existing worker processes, this command will not stop any existing worker processes. To reduce worker concurrency, dvc queue stop must first be used to stop queue processing, before running dvc queue start with the desired number of --jobs.

  • -h, --help - prints the usage/help message, and exit.

  • -q, --quiet - do not write anything to standard output.

  • -v, --verbose - displays detailed tracing information.


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