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Register a model version

New model versions can signify an important, published or released iteration. To register version, you first need to add a model to the model registry.

To register a new version of a model, DVC Studio uses GTO to create an annotated Git tag with the specified version number. Refer to the GTO docs to see the exact format of the Git tag.

You can write CI/CD actions that can actually build and publish models (for example, build Docker image with the model and publish it to a Docker Registry) upon the creation of a new Git tag for version registration. For that, you can leverage any ML model deployment tool, such as MLEM.

You can register a version in any of the following ways:

  1. Use GTO CLI or API. An example would be gto register pool-segmentation --version v0.0.1, assuming dvc.yaml with the model annotation is located in the root of the repo. If not, you should append its parent directory to the model's name like this: gto register cv:pool-segmentation --version v0.0.1 (here, cv is the parent directory). To get a better idea about this case, check out this example monorepo.
  2. To register versions using DVC Studio, watch this tutorial video or read on below.
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  1. On the models dashboard, open the 3-dot menu for the model whose version you want to register. Then, click on Register new version. The registration action can also be initiated from the model details page or from the related project’s experiment table - look for the Register version button or icon.

  2. Select the Git commit which corresponds to the new version of your model. If the desired commit does not appear in the commit picker, type in the 40-character sha-1 hash of the commit.

  3. Enter a version name. Version names must start with the letter v and should follow the SemVer format after the letter v. Below are some examples of valid and invalid version names:

    • Valid: v0.0.1, v1.0.0, v12.5.7
    • Invalid: 0.0.1 (missing v in the beginning), v1.0 (missing the patch segment of the Semver, v1.0.new (using an invalid value new as the patch number).
  4. Optionally, provide a Git tag message.

  5. Click on Register version.

Once the action is successful, the newly registered version will show up in the Latest version column of the models dashboard. Note that this will happen only if the newly registered version is the greatest semantic version for your model. For example, if your model already had v3.0.0 registered, then if you register a smaller version (e.g., v2.0.0), then the new version will not appear in the Latest version column.

If you open the model details page, the newly registered version will be available in the model History section as well as in the versions drop down.

If you go to your Git repository, you will see that a new Git tag referencing the selected commit has been created, representing the new version.

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